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Few of the precious liberties so loudly decried as “Stolen!” are taken without consent. Most often, the responsible party’s name can be read aloud from the signature line of a contract. Such contracts spell out in explicit detail the terms in which the signatory’s liberties were voluntarily surrendered. The three…

world hunger in 2012

World hunger is solvable in four words because it’s not a hard problem. The first solution is “Sardines, crackers, water filters.” These four things could be made available to the world’s population with little more than existing manufacturing and distribution channels. The second (and better) 4-word solution is to “grow…

Virtual Community

One of the conclusions coming out of writing “12 Things to Consider Before Starting a Virtual Community” is how powerful these new platforms are. The forum software I’ve purchased and installed on could handle the needs of a large corporation (And actually does serve in that capacity for many…

Logos Logo

One year ago, I took the plunge into Logos Bible software. I’d seen it advertised for 10 years but never understood what it was. The hundreds of books in various collections were impressive, but so what? E-books and pdf’s are ubiquitous, nowadays, and I had a dozen Bibles and a…

Evolution of household articles Violin

Now, it seems to me, that if evolution did occur, then it would’ve had to have been a miracle. In other words, evolution is literally evidence for the existence of God. An excerpt of the debate between Frank Zindler and Dr. William Lane Craig: The debate, before nearly 8000 people,…

Rory's Story Cubes

Four months ago, I received a “Must Read!” article from my wife: “6 Ways electronic screen time makes kids angry, depressed and unmotivated”. Sure enough, our 8-year-old son was showing some of the symptoms described in the article: Disrupts sleep and desynchronizes the body clock. Desensitizes the brain’s reward system.…

Supernatural Worldview Book Cover

My favorite book of 2014 was The Supernatural Worldview: Examining Paranormal, Psi, and the Apocalyptic, by Cris Putnam. The reason the book is important is summed up by Chuck Missler in his foreword: How will you deal with empirical validations of extrasensory perceptions? Of near-death experiences? Non-biblical spirits? Evidence that…