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Milton Friedman vs. Socialist Michael Harrington

The Emotional Appeal of Socialism Despite Its Long History of Failure

From Milton Friedman’s Introduction to “The Road to Serfdom” by Frederick Hayek:

Road to Serfdom Cover

To understand why it is that ‘good’ men in positions of power will produce evil, while the ordinary man without power but able to engage in voluntary cooperation with his neighbors will produce good, requires analysis and thought, subordinating the emotions to the rational faculty.

Surely that is one answer to the perennial mystery of why collectivism [and socialism], with its demonstrated record of producing tyranny and misery, is so widely regarded as superior to individualism, with its demonstrated record of producing freedom and plenty. The argument for collectivism is simple if false; it is an immediate emotional argument. The argument for individualism is subtle and sophisticated; it is an indirect rational argument. And the emotional facilities are more highly developed in most men than the rational, paradoxically or especially even in those who regard themselves as intellectuals.

Experience has strongly confirmed Hayek’s central insight—that coordination of men’s activities through central direction and through voluntary cooperation are roads going in very different directions: the first to serfdom, the second to freedom. That experience has also strongly reinforced a secondary theme—central direction is also a road to poverty for the ordinary man; voluntary cooperation, a road to plenty. The battle for freedom must be won over and over again. The socialists in all parties to whom Hayek dedicated his book must once again be persuaded or defeated if they and we are to remain free men.

by Patrick Wood

In a stunning revelation from a 2009 UN document titled “Rethinking the Economic Recovery: A Global Green New Deal“, it is discovered that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ (AOC) Green New Deal is not a new movement of the people, but rather a crafty (and plagiarized) creation of a small group of global elite working through the United Nations.

This 144-page report was headed by Edward B. Barbier, a professor of Economics and Finance at the University of Wyoming at the time, but specifically prepared for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

It was UNEP that sponsored the infamous 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro that catalyzed the doctrine of Sustainable Development and produced the Agenda 21 book labeled The Agenda for the 21st Century. UNEP has been at the root of every intellectually bankrupt scheme to flip the world into its resource-based economic system while driving a fatal nail into Capitalism and Free Enterprise. In my books Technocracy Rising and Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, I have extensively documented that Sustainable Development is nothing more than warmed-over Technocracy from the 1930s.

Barbier credits a number of people as important contributors to his paper, but two in particuiar ring a loud bell: the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Peterson Institute for International Economics. (PIIE)

Center for American Progress

CAP was founded by John Podesta, a prominent member and operative of the Trilateral Commission. Podesta was the principal architect for the U.S. environmental policy for well over 2 decades. He served as Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Special Counselor to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Manager. In July 2002, the UN Secretary-General appointed him to the High-Level Panel On Post-2015 Development Agenda that created the text for the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015.

The Board of Directors for CAP includes Sen. Tom Daschle (Chairman), Stacey Abrams, Donald Sussman, and California billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer.

Peterson Institute for International Economics

PIIE was founded by Peter G. Peterson (1926-2018), a principal member of the Trilateral Commission for decades. PIIE’s Board of Directors is a Who’s Who of the Trilateral Commission and includes Lawrence Summers, C. Fred Bergsten, Richard N. Cooper, Stanley Fischer, Robert Zoellick, Alan Greenspan, Carla A. Hills, George P. Schultz, Paul A. Volcker, and Ernesto Zedillo. The PIIE paper cited by Barbier was A Green Global Recovery? Assessing US Economic Stimulus and the Prospects for International Coordination

Plagiarized: Familiar Language

Echoing AOC’s rhetoric,  the Barbier’s UNEP report states,

The multiple crises threatening the world economy today demand the same kind of initiative as shown by Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s, but at the global scale and embracing a wider vision. (p. 5)

In an article by VOX titled Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is making the Green New Deal a 2020 litmus test, it stated,

Until now, the Green New Deal has been more of an idea than an actual policy. This week, an Ocasio-Cortez resolution is set to make its debut. The plan prioritizes climate change, but its strength lies in its symbolic ties to one of the Democratic party’s biggest historical successes: the original New Deal under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The comparison to Franklin Delano Roosevelt has been prominent from the first day that Ocasio-Cortez became a public figure.

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by Tim Ball

The Green New Deal exposes the ultra-radical nature of UN policies of Sustainable Development. The UN is sworn to overthrow Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and it using global warming as a battering ram.

Here is what to do when the title is a lie. Confirm it also lies within the text. Confirm the lies in a historical and political context. Expose the lies and the people responsible. Explain, in ways the people can understand, why they can safely ignore the hysteria and actions it recommends. Attack those people and politicians that demand you pay for the lies. Then, adopt the policy of not believing anything in the new, fake news world.

.It is not “new,” it is not “green” other than in name, and it is not a “deal.” In other words, it is a technocrat’s delight because it revisits and resuscitates their goal of total government control without appearing to do so. Proponents of the original idea that humans were causing global warming are losing the war one battle at a time. They did what they always do. Ignore the evidence and move the goalposts. That is what they are doing with the New Green Deal. It is the same use of false or deliberately created science to convince people that they can save them from the sky falling. Chicken Little reappears as Big Turkey.

The last major example occurred in 2004. From 1998 onward CO2 levels continued to increase, but temperatures stopped increasing. This completely contradicted their major assumption and brought them face-to-face with Thomas Huxley’s (1825 – 1895) observation that,

The great tragedy of science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.

The emails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) disclosed that instead of revisiting the science they changed the name from global warming to climate change. This clever but deceitful move allowed them to avoid any evidence that contradicted their hypothesis by removing the hypothesis. It also allowed them to identify any weather event as support for their claims of human interference.

From its emergence onto the world stage in 1988 the claim of human-caused global warming (AGW) was a front for the need for not only local government control, but an over-arching one-world government. Elaine Dewar summarized the goal of Maurice Strong, the architect of Agenda 21 and its subsidiary the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as follows.

Strong was using the U.N. as a platform to sell a global environment crisis and the Global Governance Agenda.

A major piece in the platform was the creation of a global threat. It must be global to transcend national boundaries, so they could argue that no one nation could cope. They produced the major piece through the artificial construct of global warming.

It began at the 1988 US Joint Congressional Hearing when James Hansen falsely testified that he was 99% certain that humans were the cause. That was not true then, and it is not true now, but it continues as a justification for the New Green Deal. The person who organized that Hearing was former Senator Timothy Wirth. I say, former Senator because after one term he resigned and took an appointment as President of the United Nations Foundation. This organization was created from a 1998 $1 billion gift from media mogul Ted Turner. He is listed as a member of the Club of Rome along with George Soros and Wirth.

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by Lawrence W. Reed for

And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works

– French economist and statesman Frédéric Bastiat, 1850.

Venezuela’s socialist nightmare is almost over. The questions of when and how it ends—hopefully without more bloodshed—are already giving way to thoughts of what comes next. How does a nation brought low by socialism recover? Answer: Liberty!

Any blueprint for recovery must begin by learning the lessons of the past twenty years. They are legion. Here are the big ones:

  1. Socialism neither is nor has any theory of wealth creation. It is focused purely on consumption. It assumes that somebody, somehow, somewhere will create the stuff its advocates will seize and redistribute. That’s a dead end, as millions of Venezuelans now know.
  2. Socialism concentrates power in the hands of the few. It attracts the easily corrupted and corrupts them further. It appeals to the worst in people: envy, dependency, and deceitfulness.
  3. Socialists are demagogues. They divide society into classes and set them up to wage war against each other, knowing that they (the socialists) will become the center of power, attention and wealth as the rest of society is impoverished.
  4. Socialism is a disaster in both spiritual and material terms. It’s fueled by perpetual anger and victimology. It strips the individual of his dignity and his self-reliance. It boasts that it can plan his life and his economy for him but leaves devastation and misery in its wake.

It’s long past time for Venezuela to toss this evil failure into history’s garbage truck so it can be hauled away. Venezuela can do so much better. It can teach the world a great deal in the process. Venezuelans have suffered much and they must ensure that their suffering is not pointless or in vain.

The painful 20 years of the Chavez/Maduro dictatorship underscore the wisdom of these words of economist Ludwig von Mises:

A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death. A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society.

No More Poison. No More Socialism.

To those who say the injuries of Venezuela are simply too severe to expect anything but a long, slow recuperation, I say, nonsense! The right approach can lift the country to its feet and produce amazing progress in the first year. What will be known in a decade as “the Venezuelan Economic Miracle” can begin immediately.

Two models from the 20th Century point the way—Germany and Hong Kong.

Freer trade led to a historic rebound that surprised almost everybody.

After World War II and a generation of socialism, Germany was in utter ruins in the late 1940s: defeated, devastated, occupied and demoralized. But by 1960, it was the economic powerhouse of Europe. Why? Because the free market policies of Ludwig Erhard, as explained here, provided the proper framework.

Socialism was dismantled, people and markets were liberated. Incentives in the form of lower tax rates, abolition of price controls, a sound currency, and freer trade led to a historic rebound that surprised almost everybody.

At the same time half a globe away, similar policies worked wonders in Hong Kong, thanks to the efforts of John James Cowperthwaite, as I detailed here. Cowperthwaite eliminated tariffs, slashed tax rates, opened Hong Kong for private enterprise and the results stunned the world. The colony vaulted from an impoverished backwater to one of the richest corners of Asia. It was liberty that did it, just the opposite of socialism.

Socialism offers no such miracles in its entire sordid history. None. Nothing even remotely close. Call it capitalism, free enterprise, or whatever you want, but it works. It bakes the bigger pie that people need, instead of simply slicing up a shrinking one. It’s really nothing more than unleashing the creative energies of people to invent, invest, employ, create and trade.

The Recipe for a Healthy Venezuela

A new government of Venezuela must restore the political framework of a pluralistic, constitutional republic—respect for the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary, freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and the integrity of the electoral process.

It must root out corruption not only by removing the corrupt but also by closing the door to the granting of special favors by government itself. And it must restore order by shutting down paramilitary groups who use terror and intimidation.

In terms of the economy, a recovery agenda should include these pillars:

1. A Sound Currency

To bring a quick conclusion to hyperinflation and restore the confidence needed for savings and investment, stop the printing presses. No more paper Bolivars. Allow for choice and competition in the provision of money so people are free to use and make contracts in whatever media they see fit, including foreign and cryptocurrencies.

The government should redeem its own outstanding Bolivars in a new money rooted in real value. Options for achieving monetary stability include tying a new currency to a fixed weight of precious metal; dollarization, as successfully implemented in Ecuador and explained here by Dora de Ampuero, or introducing a currency board as recommended here by economist Steve Hanke.

2. Privatization

Venezuela needs a comprehensive de-nationalization. Businesses and industries owned by the state are corrupt, incompetent money-losers. They drain public funds at the same time they abuse the public. Selling them would bring new revenues to the Treasury and new life to the privatized firms. As Margaret Thatcher did with great success in Britain, give employees first chance at equity in formerly state enterprises before taking them public.

Start with the state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). Few measures would send a stronger signal that Venezuela is opened for business than the sale of shares in PDVSA. It would prompt much-needed investment to improve the company’s decrepit infrastructure.

Lots of countries around the world leave the business of oil to the private sector and the ones that don’t are chronically beset with losses and outdated technology.

Don’t be afraid that people from other countries might buy equity in Venezuelan firms. They’re not likely to pack them up and ship them home. They will seek to make them profitable and create jobs and income for Venezuelans as they do so.

3. Property Rights

Seizure of property without compensation or exceptional justification should be outlawed.

A healthy, growing economy is impossible in the absence of property rights. People will not build wealth if it’s not safe from crime or confiscation. Venezuela must take measures to strengthen the individual right of property ownership.

In the International Property Rights Scorecard, the Chavez/Maduro kleptocracy ranked among the worst regimes in the world, as one can see here. The government’s ability to take property without restraint must be formally abolished. Citizens must gain the legal capacity to challenge government takings. Seizure of property without compensation or exceptional justification should be outlawed.

4. Education Reform

The state’s all-but-total monopoly on education must be abolished. Schools will never teach the principles critical to a free society such as personal character, entrepreneurship, respect for property, and democratic values if the state controls curricula or teacher-hiring or anything else. Make it easy for a pluralistic, multiple-option, choice-based educational system to develop.

If Venezuela dismantles socialism in other areas but leaves education socialized, it will undermine its new-found liberties over the long run.

In time, the bad ideas that helped to produce the disaster of the past two decades will take root again. Governments just don’t teach liberty, anywhere. Education is too important to a country’s future to turn it over to government. Put parents in charge.

5. Free Trade

Venezuela should declare itself a free trade zone. No (or very minimal) tariffs or other artificial barriers

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by Jenipher Camino Gonzalez

It’s time to admit that Venezuela’s “21st century socialism” failed.

President Donald Trump’s full-fledged backing of Juan Guaido, who declared himself interim president of Venezuela last week, was met with a bipartisan support among American political leaders. But one stubborn segment of the ideological spectrum is unimpressed and has gone so far as to compare Trump’s move to America’s 20th century transgressions in the region. These protests are being led by Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Noam Chomsky and other notable cheerleaders of former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who brought socialism to the country two decades ago. The elder statesman of America’s left penned a tone-deaf letter, co-signed by dozens of U.S. intellectuals, rejecting attempts by Venezuela’s opposition to remove Nicolás Maduro from office and insisting that U.S. sanctions are to blame for “worsening” Venezuela’s economic calamities.

Although the Democratic Party establishment has fully embraced Guaido, freshman members of its new House majority have troublingly joined the chorus against Trump’s decision.

Rep. Ro Kahnna (D–Calif.) took a shot at Sen. Dick Durbin (D–Ill.) for embracing the opposition leader, calling Venezuela’s situation an “internal, polarized conflict.” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–Minn.) took to Twitter to decry “U.S. meddling,” adding that Venezuela’s Supreme Court, stacked with Maduro loyalists, had declared Guaido’s action “unconstitutional.” Never mind that in 2017, that same court allowed Maduro to strip Venezuela’s Congress—the only governing institution he did not then control—of its powers and set up a parallel legislature, essentially giving him dictatorial power.

To be clear, supporting Maduro or downplaying the catastrophe he and Chavez have overseen in Venezuela is a fringe position. The leadership there is responsible for human rights abuses, rampant corruption, and a full-blown humanitarian crisis in the region, with the United Nations putting the number of Venezuelan refugees abroad at a staggering 3 million, or almost 10 percent of the country’s total population.

Last year, Maduro was re-elected in what the U.S. called “a sham election,” which the European Union said was neither free nor fair. Among the abuses, second-place candidate Henri Falcon accused the government of buying votes through food and money giveaways at polling stations.

Internationally, Guaido has the backing of a vast majority of Latin America nations, the U.K., Canada, Australia, and counting. The E.U. has given Maduro eight days to call new, credible elections or it will also back the 35-year-old opposition leader.

With Maduro’s dismal record and a nearly worldwide consensus against him, why are some on America’s left turning their fire on the United States instead?

Venezuela’s Socialist Failure

Hugo Chavez’s experiment was cleverly dubbed “socialism of the 21st century,” in part to lure and charm the international left, which was hungry for another shot at making socialism work somewhere.

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