
How to Create an Easy Habit of Daily Writing Without Willpower

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You dream of being a writer.

Maybe you even feel there is a book within you.

Each New Year, you resolve to do it. To start writing regularly. To start working on a book or a blog.

But what happens?

  • You get too busy.
  • You don’t have the energy.
  • You can’t find the time.
  • Your health or the health of a dear one falters.
  • You doubt whether you have what it takes.

But deep within lies your dream, waiting for you, year after year.

You can’t erase this dream of becoming a writer. Because this dream is the message you are destined to share with the world. 

But how to do it? How to make this dream a reality?

How to start and not give up?

There is only one way to do it. You need to write. Every day.

It is a challenge. However, there is a simple way to overcome this challenge without using willpower or needing a dose of discipline.

You need to establish a tiny habit of writing.

According to behavioral scientist, BJ Fogg, there are two ways to change behavior in the long-term: either change your environment or take baby steps.

Most people who want to create a new habit choose a big goal and experience a burst of enthusiasm…which is then eventually followed by failure when momentum stalls and motivation wanes.  I bet you know all about this.

However, with the strategy of tiny habits, you’ll be able to develop a new habit with ease without having to use willpower or discipline to achieve your goal.

Want to make your dream of being a successful writer a reality this year? Join the Budding Writer’s Lab. CLICK HERE to find out more.

The Secret of Tiny Habits

According to behavioral scientist, BJ Fogg, a “tiny habit” is a behavior that…

  • You do at least once a day.
  • It takes you less than 30 seconds to do.
  • It requires little effort.

Let’s take a look at what a tiny writing habit could be. Remember, your habit needs to be ridiculously small and easy to accomplish so that you only need a minimum of _activation energy (_the energy to start a habit). The smaller the habit, the less energy you need to establish it.

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I’m Terence, a musician, writer, father, believer, consultant, pilot, and former computer guy. is the primary outlet for my contribution to the world. It’s the virtual home base of my legacy. Here, I write and create things I hope will truly benefit others. Fore more, please see

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